Facts on UK immigration

Real voices

Travelling to the UK illegally is difficult and dangerous. Even for those who manage to get here, life can be very hard. Here you can explore the stories of real people who tried to enter and live illegally in the UK.

Read a transcript of the video

B’s story

“Living and working in the UK hasn’t matched up to my expectations.” Explore B’s story.

G’s story

“I was lying to my family back home. I’m still in debt.” Explore G’s story.

K’s story

“Never again would I risk my life in a small boat.” Explore K’s story.

A’s story

“We still owe £5,500 for the journey.” Explore A’s story.

Safe and legal routes. The only way to the UK.

If you want to come to the UK for a better life, the only way to do so is to come here though safe and legal routes, or regular visa routes.

Find out more on safe and legal routes.