Facts on UK immigration

Safe and legal routes to the UK

The only way to the UK.

If you want to come to the UK for a better life or are seeking safety, the only way to do so is to come here though safe and legal routes, or regular visa routes.

We operate specific safe and legal routes for people from specific countries. Our global safe and legal routes are not open for self-referral – you need to be assessed by the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR. If you need information and advice about your current situation, please visit UNHCR’s help page for the country where you are currently located.

For those seeking to work or study, the UK has a visa regime. This should be your primary route for seeking entry into the UK. Find out more about regular visa routes and how to apply for a visa to work in the UK.

Being born in the UK does not automatically make you a British citizen. The status of your parents determines if you are entitled to British citizen status. A child born in the UK will not be a British citizen if their parents were here unlawfully at the time of the birth.