Police car's blue light with blurred city streets in the background

Facts on UK immigration

Reality of life in the UK

Hear the real stories of people who came to the UK illegally.

Man with heavily pixelated face

I was told by everyone that living in the UK would be a dream. Living and working in the UK has not matched up at all with my expectations.

Firsthand account – identity protected

Criminal gangs tell lies about how easy it is to get to the UK and how life will be better.  

But if you come to the UK illegally, the reality is very different. 

UK immigration rules mean you are unlikely to be allowed to work, rent property, or claim benefits. 

If you owe money to people smugglers, they may force you to work illegally for them in unsafe and poor conditions, for little or no pay. 

It’s become so difficult to be an illegal immigrant in the UK. The struggle to make ends meet and send money back home while being alone in a foreign country is very difficult.

Firsthand account – identity protected

Hear people share their experiences of life in the UK and why entering the UK illegally is never worth the risk. 

Read a transcript of the video

[0:00] On screen:

A woman’s heavily pixelated face appears with the UK Government logo, title: ‘The people smugglers’ lies’ and the words: ‘Firsthand account – identity protected’ appearing on top.

[0:05] On screen:

“I was an English teacher in a small city. I wasn’t earning much.”

[0:11] On screen:

We see a view of a central London street appear on screen along with the words: “An agent PROMISED me a high-paying job in the UK…”

[0:16] On screen:

“After I landed, the agent didn’t offer me a job. I realised I had been CHEATED.”

[0:22] On screen:

A close-up image of hands serving food at a counter appears on screen along with the words: “I found a low pay serving job. I could barely SURVIVE.”

[0:29] On screen:

A close-up image of a woman’s hands holding a takeaway coffee cup appears on screen with the words: “I never wanted to be an ILLEGAL WORKER, but I can’t go home penniless.”

[0:35] On screen:

“I am stuck. I need to repay the money I owe for my journey here.”

[0:41] On screen:

Endframe with UK Government logo: Illegal migrants are not allowed to work in the UK and risk being exploited.

B’s story

“Living and working in the UK hasn’t matched up to my expectations.” Explore B’s story.

Man with heavily pixelated face

G’s story

“I was lying to my family back home. I’m still in debt.” Explore G’s story.

Man with heavily pixelated face

K’s story

“Never again would I risk my life in a small boat.” Explore K’s story.

Man with heavily pixelated face

A’s story

“We still owe £5,500 for the journey.” Explore A’s story.

Man with heavily pixelated face
Female Immigration Enforcement Officer

I think that if people were able to see twelve months into the future of what it would be once they made that journey across, I’m almost certain that people would choose not to.

Kendal, Immigration Enforcement Officer

Hear officials share their experience of how criminals exploit people who come to the UK illegally. 

Read a transcript of the video

[0:00] On screen:

What life is REALLY like for illegal migrants

[0:05] On screen:


Immigration Enforcement Officer

[0:05] Austin: When I’ve spoke to people who have got off a dinghy coming over from Calais, and they tell me that they’re promised work here, promised living accommodation, that it’s gonna be nice. And then when you speak to people six months, twelve months down the line who we know have entered through the small boats channel, they do tell a very different story… and they actually themselves often will realize and admit that it wasn’t what they thought it was gonna be and what they were promised it was gonna be. And also, they’ve lost considerable amount of money that had been paid to these criminal gangs to get them to the UK.

[0:35] On screen:


Immigration Enforcement Officer

[0:35] Kendal: I think they are sold something different by the people smugglers. I think they are sold a job. I think they are sold a future. I think they sold a better life, but the reality of that is very different.

So the reality that we find is people working for forty pounds for a twelve hour day. They’ll have money taken out of that for their accommodation, for their food. So they’re probably coming out with ten pounds a day. They’re living in properties where there are fifteen to twenty people on mattresses. It’s just, yeah, it’s not nice.”

[1:06] On screen:


Border Force Officer

[1:06] Smeena: Females that have been trafficked into the United Kingdom for purposes of working in the sex trade, and some of them don’t even realize that’s what they’ve come for.

[1:16] On screen:


Immigration Enforcement Officer

[1:16] Ancil: People’s expectations when they get here is what they’ve seen on social media. The guys driving around in nice BMWs and popping champagne, and when they get here, they realise that’s not the case.

They usually get exploited, working on construction sites, car washes, people living in awful conditions, 15/ 20 people living in a 3 bedroom flat, having to still pay these smugglers… these are things I’ve seen and witnessed personally, I would really discourage people from looking at what they see on social media and thinking that that’s what it’s gonna be like, it is not what it all appears to be on social media.”

[1:54] On screen:


Immigration Enforcement Officer

[1:54] Kendal: I think that if people were able see twelve months into the future of what it would be once they made that journey across, I’m almost certain that people would choose not to.”

[2:03] End frame with UK Government logo: Trying to enter the UK illegally could cost you everything. Get the facts on illegal migration.

Passport and stamp

Safe and legal routes. The only way to the UK.

If you want to come to the UK for a better life, the only way to do so is to come here though safe and legal routes, or regular visa routes.

Find out more on safe and legal routes.